
Hi ,

Just sending a quick note to let you know about a cool ebook I came across the other day. It's specifically designed to help beginners learn how to play guitar as quickly and easily as possible. It's called...

The ABCLearnGuitar eBook

The lessons inside the ebook are enhanced with online videos too, so you can watch the instructor's example. Here are some of the main benefits it has to offer...

- created especially for beginners
- includes video
- printable tab files
- printable chord charts
- easy songs
- finger coordination exercises
- 12 bar blues
- licks & riffs

Perhaps you have always wanted to learn how to play the guitar but thought it would take too much time or be too expensive. 

Not any more! 

The AbcLearn Guitar eBook lets you... 

- learn at your own pace
- choose a time when it's most convenient for you 
- avoid the huge cost of private guitar lessons!

Inside you will discover the "secrets" you need to know in order to become a better musician...

SECRET #1 - Understanding Note Values
SECRET #2 - Understanding Time Signatures
SECRET #3 - Understanding Key Signatures
SECRET #4 - Understanding Rhythm
SECRET #5 - Understanding Basic Music Theory
To get all the details and find out how you can get started playing guitar today go to...

AbcLearnGuitar eBook 

Be sure to share this link with everyone you know who is looking for beginner guitar lessons!

Wishing you success.